

15145 Uppsatser om Social support. - Sida 1 av 1010

?På andra sidan planket? : en kvalitativ studie om hur det sociala stödet från nätverken påverkar återhämtningsprocessen från ett drogmissbruk

Research about social support and social networks has mostly concerned the impact on a person?s wellbeing and health. However an aspect largely neglected is how social support within the social networks can affect the process of giving up a drug abuse. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to a better understanding of what role the social support within different relationships can have on the process of giving up drug abuse. Furthermore the aim is to examine how a self-help group can provide social support in the transitional period after leaving a drug abuse.

Stökiga pojkar och rara flickor!

The aim of this qualitative study was to examine bereaved individuals? experiences of support from their social networks and participation in support groups. The theoretical framework is based on theories about social support and parts of the attachment theory. Data were collected from four interviews and analysed by the study?s theoretical framework.

Socialt stöd till ungdomar med kroniska sjukdomar

Social support is important for adults well-being, quality of life and self-esteem. The nurse should respond to the patient's care needs, knowledge of social support for young people with chronic diseases is therefore important. The purpose was to investigate who or which ones provide social support for young people with chronic diseases and what social support contributes to. A descriptiv design where used. The literature search in the database Medline via Cinahl resulted in twelwe articles.

Vad har känsla av sammanhang och upplevt socialt stöd för samband med individens sinnestämning

The aim of this study was to examine the relations between sense of coherence (SOC), perceived social support and mood, the study also included gender and civil status in the analysis. In the analysis mood was the dependent variable. The study included 81 respondents, all students from Växjö university, who answered a survey with three parts: SOC 13, Mood Adjective Checklist (MACL), and an own constructed instrument that measured perceived Social support. The result showed that those with a high SOC tended to have a greater mood. High scores on perceived social support also were related to a greater mood.

Föräldrars behov och önskemål av föräldrastöd : en enkätundersökning i Landskrona kommun

The aim of the work was to gather information on parents' reflections on their own need for parental support in their role as parents. Where a need was expressed we investigated what form of support was desired and who should provided it. We also wished to find out if there were any differences or similarities in the needs and wishes expressed by the parents.The questions posed were: Did the parents feel that they needed support in their roles as parents? If so, what sort of support did they want? Who should provide this support? What differences or similarities were expressed in the parents needs and wishes for support?A questionnaire study was carried out within Landskrona. The results showed that a majority of parents expressed a limited need for some form of support in their parental role.

Ensam är stark? : En kvalitativ studie om efterlevande personers erfarenheter av omgivningens stöd i samband med en förlust och av att ha delagit i en sorggrupp

The aim of this qualitative study was to examine bereaved individuals? experiences of support from their social networks and participation in support groups. The theoretical framework is based on theories about social support and parts of the attachment theory. Data were collected from four interviews and analysed by the study?s theoretical framework.

En kvalitativ studie om före detta kriminellas upplevelser av stöd och hjälp.

The aim of this study was to examine former criminals? experiences of help and support of importance to leave a criminal life style. The study consists of six interviews with former criminals and earlier studies on the subject. These studies show that relapse in crime are most common among those who are socially excluded from society. They also show that important factors to end a life in criminality are for example a supportive social network.

Socialt stöd vid bröstcancer. En litteraturstudie om kvinnors med bröstcancer upplevelser av socialt stöd

Social support is an important part of handling the troubles of life. The purpose of this literature review is to investigate what forms the social support for adult women with breast cancer with the aim to be used in the nursing care. By system-atical reading of scientific articles nine qualitative articles were found which the result is based on. The theoretical framework was Antonovsky´s health focused theory with the central issue KASAM, the feeling of life connection. The study resulted in three themes emotional support, practical support and informational support, which describe the balanced content of Social support.

Anhöriga till spelberoende Vilket stöd och vilken hjälp kan socialtjänsten erbjuda

The aim of this essay was to examine what kind of help and support social services departement can offer gamblers and their relatives. We also want to examine what the relatives to the gamblers think about the help and support they have got from the social services departement. Central questions we asked were: What kind of help and support can social services department offer the gamblers and there relatives? What kind of help is there to get for children respectively adult relatives? Do the relatives consider that the social worker have enough knowledge about the problem? Do the social workers consider that they have enough knowledge about the problem? This is a qualitative study of three women relatives to the gamblers, three social workers and one specialist in this problem. We have delimited the study to one big city in Sweden.

?? det är ju så jäkla frustrerande? - en kvalitativ undersökning av fysiskt aktiva individers upplevelser av socialt stöd i samband med träningsuppehåll efter en skada.

The purpose of this paper is to contribute to better understanding of the importance of social support for physically active individuals' experiences of training residence following an injury.The physical activity's impact on public health is well known. Increased physical activity also increases the risk of suffering an injury related to physical activity. The importance of social support for those individuals who suffer an injury related to physical activity is where increased knowledge is needed.Four interviews to were conducted using a thematic interview guide with the following themes: The experience of the training break, two sides of social support, several ways of dealing with the experience, the design of the support, Varied support providers relationship changes. The most important property of the individual who gave support was an experience similar to that of the injured individuals underwent. That, combined with the close relationship with the individual who gave support was seen as crucial to the experience of the social support role for the injured individual.The Conclusion was that social support is important for the experience of a break from exercise due to an injury related to physical activity..

?Antingen f?r man sitta ensam och vara nykter och drogfri, och det ?r ju ingen som orkar det ?ver tid. Eller s? f?r vi skapa sammanhang d?r man kan g?ra p? ett annat s?tt? - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om socialsekreterares erfarenheter av sociala n?tver

This study examines the opinions of social workers regarding the social networks of people with a substance addiction. The intention was to get a more nuanced understanding of what characterizes a positive or negative social network, as well as which functions different types of social networks serve. Data were collected through qualitative interviews with seven social workers. More specifically the social workers were oriented towards working for social services with clients that struggle with substance abuse. The empirical material has been analyzed with a thematic analysis.

Korruption, inkomst och Miljökvalitet. En kvantitativ analys.

Introduction: The health for individuals with intellectual disabilities is asubject that is prioritized by the Swedish Institute for Public Health. Socialsupport has been proven to be important for health and quality of life. Despitethis fact there is no research available regarding the influence social support hason health and quality of life for people with intellectual disabilities in Sweden.Aim: To describe social support and the consequence of social support forhealth and quality of life for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Method:A litterature review of research in a defined area with a descriptive design.Systematic searches for articles were done in several databases and ultimately16 articles were chosen. Themes and categories were created with respect to theaim of this study during the analysis of the articles.

Bara de är som männen? En intervju- och observationsstudie av tjejer på byggprogrammet

Introduction: The health for individuals with intellectual disabilities is asubject that is prioritized by the Swedish Institute for Public Health. Socialsupport has been proven to be important for health and quality of life. Despitethis fact there is no research available regarding the influence social support hason health and quality of life for people with intellectual disabilities in Sweden.Aim: To describe social support and the consequence of social support forhealth and quality of life for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Method:A litterature review of research in a defined area with a descriptive design.Systematic searches for articles were done in several databases and ultimately16 articles were chosen. Themes and categories were created with respect to theaim of this study during the analysis of the articles.

Lobbying ur ett mottagarperspektiv. Riksdagsledamöternas tillgänlighet och mottaglighet för lobbyister.

Introduction: The health for individuals with intellectual disabilities is asubject that is prioritized by the Swedish Institute for Public Health. Socialsupport has been proven to be important for health and quality of life. Despitethis fact there is no research available regarding the influence social support hason health and quality of life for people with intellectual disabilities in Sweden.Aim: To describe social support and the consequence of social support forhealth and quality of life for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Method:A litterature review of research in a defined area with a descriptive design.Systematic searches for articles were done in several databases and ultimately16 articles were chosen. Themes and categories were created with respect to theaim of this study during the analysis of the articles.

Varför blir flickor utsatta för digital mobbning?

Introduction: The health for individuals with intellectual disabilities is asubject that is prioritized by the Swedish Institute for Public Health. Socialsupport has been proven to be important for health and quality of life. Despitethis fact there is no research available regarding the influence social support hason health and quality of life for people with intellectual disabilities in Sweden.Aim: To describe social support and the consequence of social support forhealth and quality of life for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Method:A litterature review of research in a defined area with a descriptive design.Systematic searches for articles were done in several databases and ultimately16 articles were chosen. Themes and categories were created with respect to theaim of this study during the analysis of the articles.

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